Marketing Traffic Generation

3 Ways You Can Gain Traffic For Free in Less Time Than A Lunch Break

3 Ways You Can Gain Traffic For Free in Less Time Than A Lunch Break

Your time is valuable, and I understand that. That’s why I’ve created this quick and simple guide to help you gain more traffic to your website in less than 30 minutes. Simply put, these 5 steps can help bring you traffic if followed correctly.

This step is a bit complicated as you need to have the following Social Profiles Up-To-Date:
Facebook – Create a Facebook Fan Page
Google+ – Create a Google+ Business Page
YouTube – Make sure you have an optimized YouTube Channel for your business

Step 1.) Post on Your Social Networks NOW!

With the recent changes in search results for social media, frequency of posting along with quality and relevancy of posting makes a world of difference not only with people, but search engines as well.

3 Ideas For Posting on Social Networks

– Post something highly shareable that’s related to your niche, for instance an image that catches the eye with a nice quote over it.
– Ask a topical but popular question. This will not only engage users, but allow you to gain a bit of market research as well.
– Giveaway! Take your product or service and offer it for free in trade for a “Like & Share” or a version of that depending on the social network.

Note: Be sure to link back to your website if at all possible in any of your updates!

Step 2.) Ask For Some Help!

Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are communities, and like any community it can help the single person if enough has been given back. Take advantage of your friends and family who support you and your business by asking them to “Share” or “ReTweet” your content or pages. Even if they have “Liked” of “Followed” you online, there is still a big opportunity to engage their friends and family casually.

Facebook LogoOn Facebook – You can easily send a quick group invitation to your friends and family if you’re the administrator.

Instructions: Visit your Facebook Fan Page and click “Build Audience” at the top. You can then choose to Invite Email Contacts, Invite Friends, or Share Page. Click “Invite Friends” and then populate your list with anyone who hasn’t already liked you.

Invite Your Facebook Friends


twitter logoOn Twitter – For Twitter, asking for someone to follow you is common, but not always accepted.To ensure you’re asking the right people, make sure to use hashtags to categorize yourself in the multitudes of tweets every day.

Asking for follows example:

If you’re into #hastag, #hashtag & #hashtag take a moment to follow us/me! Please RT!

Please Retweet Me if You Can!

google+ logoOn Google+ – Google+ is similar to Facebook in how it posts and sorts content. So like Facebook, ask your friends and family who are in your circles to share your Google+ Page, website or content. You can easily do this by visiting your Google+ Business Page, and clicking the “share arrow” under your Page Photo.

Share this post via Google+ if you want to live!

Step 3.) Get Your Local Listings in Order!

Google+/Places is a really great social platform we should all be using, but what it brings to the table for Local businesses is tremendous.
If you haven’t already, verify and optimize your Google+ Business Page. (

claim your business on google places

Fill in the correct information for your business. In the description area be sure to use one or two of your best keywords, along with links to special pages within your site using “Other Links”.

Bonus Steps!

Verify your Google Authorship – ( – Recently Google has enabled bloggers and content creators the ability to display advanced information in search engine results, and additional content security with Google Authorship.

Optimize Your Company’s LinkedIn Business Page – ( LinkedIn may not be talked about as much as it should in marketing online, however it’s a great place to gain additional traffic to your website by optimizing and creating a LinkedIn Business Page.

A Late Tip: Don’t just post and forget it here! Try to schedule at a minimum 2-4 posts per week on each social platform. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but your business and customers will thank you later.

Ta da! In just under 30 minutes you were able to drastically increase your web visibility with these steps. Now you’re set to begin a social or search marketing strategy!

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